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Get Connected 

We send out announcements about calls-for-entry to our mailing list, so make sure to sign up for our emails (subscribe at the link at the bottom of our website). We will also post about opportunities on our Facebook and Instagram


BDAC is proud to exhibit a diverse range of art from contemporary and traditional fine art to crafts and commercial art. Some BDAC exhibits happen because we get to know artists' work through other artists, curators, and shows at other locations. Introduce yourself to the staff at a reception!


What NOT to do: Please don't bring in your art to show us and ask for an exhibit. We will tell you about the opportunities listed below and remind you to sign up for our mailing list.


Annual Opportunities

Check the current year's schedule to see the tentative dates for the exhibition you are interested in. Before the exhibit, read the instructions carefully and send your submission after the call for entries is announced​


  • Annual Call For Proposals

  • Plein Air Competition

  • Statewide Competition

  • Davis School District Student Exhibition

  • Gingerbread Competition


2024 Schedule Coming Soon


Our Annual Call for Proposals is usually open between spring and late summer. Propose a solo, dual, or group exhibition as either an artist or curator. The Exhibitions Committee reviews applications and invites the selected artists.


Artist Vendor Opportunities

Sell and exhibit your art and crafts at one of BDAC's seasonal events. 


  • Summerfest

  • Winter Art Market


Got Accepted to Participate?

Congrats! Make sure to prepare the required items and submit them on time. Artists who communicate well, meet deadlines, and are easy to work with often get asked to exhibit again.


Questions about exhibiting at BDAC? Contact us:

Bren Larsen
n and Exhibitions Director


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