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Kristina Lenzi & Marti Grace Ashby

On view:

March 12 - April 30

Reception: Friday April 15, 2022 6:00 PM 

Kristina Lenzi : The Self Important Artist


These distorted self-portraits come from a humorous place in me. While I draw, I laugh throughout the drawing process at the idea of placing myself in a sort of absurdity. I find little bodies to collage first and then I add the drawing of the long neck and large, distorted head with a specific persona in mind. But upon closer inspection, after the process, seriousness emerges in regard to the drawings as finished products.

The titles of the drawings suggest performativity and take on various personae in daily life. The distortion of the figure’s face shows the shifting nature of the way we are asked to perform a multiplicity of diverse, demanding roles. Some roles can be imagined (fictional) and some are real (non-fiction, experienced). 

In these drawings, there is a body/mind disconnection. The disproportionately large head speaks to ego, specifically, the construction of the ego, which importantly is developed both internally and externally. This is because we are constantly in a process of understanding (and re-understanding) who we are and what we are in relation to external factors as an interdependent species.




Marti Grace Ashby : Multiple Personalities


To the viewer, it becomes obvious the paintings don’t resemble the painter. You’d be right regarding the outward appearances. The work evolved into more of what could be called “internal self-portraits.” I might have made that up.


Fact: I love red hair. I was a blond for most of my life. My hair is now gray, and I like it. Also, the women in the paintings are, for the most part, slender. So, now we have magical realism in both thought and execution.


I believe that people have multiple personalities (projection?); that doesn’t mean I think we’re crazy. I mean, we may be, but we have various personae that we present at different times on different occasions. We have learned how to behave “properly” in public (well, most of us have). As I proceeded, I kept thinking about myself, how I behave, if I behave, what regrets I have (many), the times I have liked, even loved myself, and other moments I have not, and how often I have felt irrelevant, among other negative adjectives. Whether obvious or not, all of this is embodied in these “self-portraits.”




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